Montag, 22. August 2011

Webcomics International: Die Geschichte der Webcomics

Ein interessanter Artikel zum Thema Webcomics aus der US-Comic-Szene:

The History of Webcomics
The Comics Journal-Kolumnistin Shaenon Garrity hat sich durch die Geschichte der Webcomics gearbeitet und eine "History of Webcomics" zusammengestellt.

Die History in einem Kurzüberblick:
  • 1985-1992: The Stone Age: The earliest webcomics predate the World Wide Web and are almost as old as public online file transfer
  • 1993-1995: The Bronze Age: With the Web successfully invented, cartoonists who were nerdy even by cartoonist standards began to colonize it with comics, mostly black-and-white, newspaper-style strips
  • 1996-2000: The Singularity: Around 1996, as the online population touched a crucial event horizon, webcomics exploded. Suddenly you could even make money from these things!
  • 2001-2006: The Age of Shit Getting Real: Reinventing Comics ushered in a flowering of webcomics experimentation. Some webcartoonists were inspired by McCloud’s book; others were just taking advantage of the new digital tools available for artists.
  • 2007-Present: The Age of This Whole App Thing: Throughout the 2000s, the reading habits of webcomics fans underwent a gradual shift. Graphic novels and ongoing serial strips gave way in popularity to stand-alone jokes that could be emailed, Liked, and shared.
Link zum kompletten Artikel: "The History of Webcomics" by Shaenon Garrity

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