myComics Hourly Comic Day Aktion
Da es mehr Spaß und eine größere Herausforderung ist, wenn man die Ergebnisse jeweils öffentlich teilt, laden wir alle ZeichnerInnen ein, ihre Hourly Comic Day Sketche bei myComics hochzuladen.
Links zum Hourly Comic Day:
- Insta: #hourlycomicday (mit über 25.000 Beiträgen)
- Twitter: #hourlycomicday
- Mehr zum Event: Hourly Comic Day + how it works
Hourly Comics bei myComics
Aus früheren Jahren sind mehrere Hourly Comics bei myComics online, hier 2 Links, inklusive dem ersten Hourly der bei myComics online ging, von Julia Wolkenkuckuck.
Original-Guidelines von John Campbell
Der Hourly Comic Day wurde von John Campbell in 2006 gestartet. Das sind die Guidelines im Original:
"-for every hour that you are awake on february first (that's february first for whatever time zone you happen to be in), you make a comic describing something about the past hour. maybe you ate some cereal? maybe your mother called and screamed long and low until her voice gave out
-say you wake up at 7am. make a comic some time before it becomes 8am. then after 8am, make a comic before it becomes 9am. it is pretty simple."
Der Hourly Comic Day wurde von John Campbell in 2006 gestartet. Das sind die Guidelines im Original:
"-for every hour that you are awake on february first (that's february first for whatever time zone you happen to be in), you make a comic describing something about the past hour. maybe you ate some cereal? maybe your mother called and screamed long and low until her voice gave out
-say you wake up at 7am. make a comic some time before it becomes 8am. then after 8am, make a comic before it becomes 9am. it is pretty simple."